England Prevails. Scotland Secedes (And Succeeds).

Rootless Cosmopolitan
4 min readMay 29, 2021


I rewatched V for Vendetta last night. And it truly scared me.

We have in the past 5 years seen the mentality of the Middle England (that is the White, Middle Class in precarity, aided by Hyper Capitalism) takeover, with increasing hostility against EU Nationals, Racial and Religious Minorities, and continued Austerity, Corruption, and Division.

And then COVID 19 hit. 130,000 deaths. And unlike the Norsefire party, who engineered a virus to weasel their way into power, the Conservative Party sat on the sidelines while COVID struck, killed thousands, while they muddled through Lockdowns, half hearted measures, and involved certain companies in questionable procedures to produce Protective Equipment.

And still, the Conservative party polls at 40–50%, depending on what metrics or day it is.

Add this with the meeting of Boris Johnson with Viktor Orban, noted far-right populist and Antisemite, and I fear for my future. Anyone should, whether they are from Poundbury (the Royal new town designed as an ‘Epitomization of the British Middle Class Values), Poland, Pakistan or the Phillipines. Conservatives do not want to see you do well. They just want to see themselves do well, whether its at the cost of the disabled, Black British, Academics, Nissan Workers, or your average middle class couple in Birmingham trying to buy a house.

I, as a Jewish Gay Immigrant, have been in a state of light anxiety for the past 5 years, ever since the Brexit Vote and I came down for breakfast to find my mother sobbing at the results. Her and my father promptly relocated to Canada by the End of 2016, while I stayed. Or rather, I returned to Canada to finish my degree, and moved to Scotland.

Since then, I have turned from a devout supporter of Britain to a rabid Scottish Independence Supporter, as I see in Scotland a new-old country full of a million possibilities.

Scotland could be in a form another ‘Romantized Liberal Country’ such as Canada, New Zealand or the Nordic Nations. That does not mean it can shed its skin of actions undertaken when within the Union, but rather allow a fresh start at reparations and apologies to those affected by Scottish Colonialism under the British State.

I stay as I can envision spending my 30s (I’m just shy of my 27th birthday) within a newly established Scottish Republic, one which rejoins and re-welcomes EU nationals, has a thriving renewable and social economy, and proceeds to establish stringent measures protecting the rights of all who reside, be they Refugee, Returnee from England or Australia, or from Renfrewshire (I do apologize, I rather do like alliteration).

I envision this Social Utopia as the alternative of being tied to a failing union descending into Fascism Lite does not really appeal to me at all, nor should it appeal to anyone, especially if you love to cling to the old argument that we defeated fascism in 1945.

While the EU is not perfect, it has done a decent job of ensuring peace, promoting cosmopolitanism, and allowing free movement of goods, people and establishing ground rules for how we can be somewhat decent to our neighbours who are of different creeds or groups.

I have often described myself as a Double-Remainer, up to December 2019. By which I was aiming for some form of a coalition government to be elected in, hold a second EU referendum, and then work on addressing the reasons why a large proportion of the Country would want to leave the EU. In this ideal scenario, Scotland would remain in the UK, the UK in the EU, but also radical changes would be placed to deal with the UK’s major regional imbalances in funding, social provision and economic progress.

However, in short of a national protest to oust the Conservative Government, a truly Hollywood Ending, we have the option of Scottish Self-Determination, and building a stronger state for all Scots, imbibing the vigours of Civic Nationalism, Social Protection, and charting a bold future powered by renewable energy and optimism. This is what is called a Holyrood Ending, after the Scottish Parliament, Holyrood

There is no Hollywood Ending anymore for Britain within the short term future, rather there is just the Holyrood Ending. Those who wish to join us will be welcome, whether from the remaining UK or the world, but know that in joining Scotland you are expected to embrace the virtues of Diversity, Democracy and Defence of the less fortunate.

Who knows truly what an independent Scotland might look like, but it’s been described as many things, many parallels. What matters is that it would be an independent Scotland, with it’s future decided by the 6,000,000 old and new Scots, and not spoken over by the voices of England.

My name is Patrick, and I am a proud Jewish,Eurasian, and Immigrant to Scotland. I hold hope that I shall be living in an Independent Scotland by 2025.



Rootless Cosmopolitan

Bougie Jew from Canada, with Koryo-Saram, Jewish and German Roots.